To Serve our Country and It’s People
Technical Education and Skills Training Organization
Is an Afghan women-led non profit, non political and nongovernmental civil society organization dedicated to the welfare and progress of Afghan people residing inside or outside of the country
Technical Education and Skills Training Organization
Is implementing Unconditional Seasonal Support – Food/CBTs (UCSS-Food Winterization) Funded by World Food Program WFP/USAID in Ghazni Province.
To Serve our Country and It’s People
Technical Education and Skills Training Organization
TESTO seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice where poverty has been overcome and everyone lives in dignity and security.
Technical Education and Skills Training Organization
Technical Education and Skills Training organization-TEST is an Afghan nonprofit, nonpolitical and nongovernmental organization steadfast to the relief, welfare and prosperity, of Afghan communities even in remotest parts of country. TEST seeks thriving communities free of violence and more tolerant with access to basic human needs and provision of justice.
A country where problem of poverty has been addressed and human dignity is ensured. TEST aims to be a nationwide proponent and a partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to accelerate the progress towards SDG goals in Afghanistan.
Focused Area
Women’s Rights and Gender Balance
TEST-O as a women lead organization, since 2010. TEST-O
Vocational Training Program
TEST-O is an expert organization in implementing different kinds
Agriculture (Livestock) Program
Our organization’s objective is to develop the agricultural, educational,
Health/Hygiene Awareness
Under this component, TEST-O has implemented programs for raising
Education Program
Education is instrumental in promoting women’s status and eliminating
Advocacy (Community Development Programs) Technical Education and Skills Training
Strategic Development Planing
Technical Education and Skills Training Organization TESTO is the driving
Peace Building and Civic Education
TEST-O believes that Civic education is essential in a
Conflict Resolution
Technical Education and Skills Training Organization TESTO is the driving

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